I wanna gyro.

Age 33, Male


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Santa Destroy

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ZRDR's News

Posted by ZRDR - August 30th, 2011

I just wanted to say thanks to those who have shown me sympathy after my last post. I have been doing much better and I haveFINALLY been able to return to my drawing. In fact, I haven't been this enthusiastic about practicing my drawing since I was a young boy!
Anyway, I'm working on an animated short at the moment, I'll give you fellas more details later.
If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be able to hold a pencil (let alone fire up the wacom tablet) again!
Thanks to you all!!

Posted by ZRDR - July 1st, 2011

No there is no new G&Ph comic this week and I am very very VERY sorry that there isn't.
I really need to get my life in order before I make that kind of commitment.
If you want the comics to come sooner, comment here of PM me on NG.
Del RIo

Posted by ZRDR - June 18th, 2011

I'm making my self a new rule about my webcomics, if it is not ready to be posted the day before, I will not be posting it until the following Friday. This may mean that some comics may be very late, but it will also means that the quality will be improved 110%. If you read this weeks comic, you may notice that it looks kinda fuzzy. That's because I was re-sizing an already re-re-re-re-sized comic so it would follow smackjeeves size rules (2000 X 1000 pixels).
I will also be posting it to Newgrounds, FunnyJunk and Deviantart. I was hesitant to post it on Newgrounds at first, not because I don't like Newgrouds, but because I was worried people were not utilizing the website I started. But, after I thought about it, I really don't care, if people are reading the comics, who cares where they're reading them?
If a hobo finds one of my comics in a dumpser, uses it as a blanket and says "LoL, this is a funny blanket!", I will feel just as validated as if a beautiful woman reads it on the internet.
If you want to read the latest George & Pin-Head, click that little link to the left and tell me what you think either on this news post or PM me through newgrounds.

now for something completely different.
Listen to this song and learn an important lesson.

See you next friday (if the comic get's done)


Posted by ZRDR - June 18th, 2011

The new George & Pin-Head comic has now been loaded to the site. Give me some time to post it to the other sites I post to.
FJ (there will be a link here when posted).
NG(there will be a link here when posted).

Well, it's officially Saturday, but according to my time-zone, it's about 10 minutes past midnight, so I'm only 10 minutes late.

I am really tired. Please read the new comic here and leave a comment on my news or PM me what you think.

George and Pin-Head are on Facebook , like them to get updates mailed to you via facebook.

It has been a long week, I need my sleep,
good night everyone.

Posted by ZRDR - June 14th, 2011

Remember my last news post, where I stated that George & Pin-Head would become a regular webcomic?
Do you also remember that I didn't post a new comic when I said?
Yeah, my bad.
I've been really busy lately, I had a hard time juggling talking to my girlfriend, watching my little brother while my mom worked and spending time with my family these past few days.
Don't worry! I have a comic for this Friday! I am also glad to say that this will be the LONGEST continued story featuring George & Pin-Head!
I hope you guys aren't too mad at me for not keeping my word.

Here is a song by Metallica, one of my personal favorites by them.

If I'm not back by next friday, you all have my permission to fill my inbox with PMs demanding I finish the comic,
Del Rio

Posted by ZRDR - May 29th, 2011

I finished the first color George & Pin-Head. It's also the first comic for their weekly webcomic series.
It's not bad, but it isn't the funniest thing I have written. It may take me a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of writing for George & Pin-Head.
I still haven't gotten around to contacting that newsletter. I will do it eventually, when my mom or little brother isn't screaming for me to do something.
I just finished my first serious Art Portal submission. I didn't intend it to be for the art portal, it just ended up better than I expected so I thought, "Why Not?". You here's a link to it : Nior Kitten

Well, I would say more stuff about my next comic, but next week's strip awaits, as Akira Toriyama said "a weekly comic's schedule is as tight as freshly laundered briefs!"
I had no idea how right he was....

I like to leave my reader (yesysh) with a song, so here's a cool tune from the 80's.

Well, see you guys Friday. - Del Rio

Posted by ZRDR - May 23rd, 2011

I recently got an $80 Wacom Bamboo tablet, and I am addicted to this thing!
I'm working on a new George & Pin-head comic, so now it will definitely be updated regularly
It will also be in Beautiful Technicolor!
I also had to drop out of Wheeling Jesuit University, I didn't like that at first, but now I realize that I hated going there, I was only going because I was making friends and the newspaper was using my comic strip.
OH! Before I forget, I'm putting together a portfolio for a local news letter. If you notice one of my comics that you think looks especially good for any reason tell me (also show me some comics that aren't as good!!)

One More thing! I'm working on a new comic series. I actually ideas for about 4 or 5 swimming around in my head, but I can't draw them all at once!! (CURSE MY OVERACTIVE IMAGINATION!)

I like to end my news updates with a song, so I'll use one of my personal favorites

Your pal, Del Rio

P.S. If you read all of this I love you.

Your pal, Del Rio

P.S. If you read all of this I love you.

also, pokemon

Posted by ZRDR - May 8th, 2011

I have run in to a small speed bump on the road to becoming a flash animator. I was going to get a job this summer, save up some cash and get myself some supplies for making animations. The problem is, since I didn't exactly pass some of my classes, I need to take summer courses at the local community college. So, I will not have the time to get a high paying job to get said equipment. Another problem is the fact that I wanted to do a weekly webcomic, George & Pin-Head, but with homework and trying to get a job AND trying to get some recognition from my drawing, it's like....like....

And another thing, why does M-bot keep deleting my reviews? I'm sorry, if something rocks, I'm not going to let that go unnoticed, but if the creator didn't even try (*KOOF*kittly crew*KOOF*) then I am going to express how disappointed I am with them. You can do anything on newgrounds, anything that fits onto a .swf file can be submitted. That said, don't just take a shit on a .swf and think everyone is going to love it. Actually put some work into it, like Johnny Utah, Happy Harry, Egoraptor, Spike Valentine, Sexual-Lobster,Ryan Wells,Luis, the list goes on and on!

Anyway, I'm sure every thing will turn out fine in the end, I just need to take a step back and take everything slowly.
Speaking of slow, I'm thinking I'll be needing a new computer for all this art stuff. This laptop is pretty good but it's not going to be able to fit all of this stuff on it. It can barely handle Gimp as it is.

Well, I'm going to do some last minute homework, enjoy this little hit from the 90's while I'm out.

Posted by ZRDR - February 21st, 2011

I made this cartoon for a school art project.My teacher said, "Do what ever you want", so I made this. The whole thing was made with windows movie maker, MicrosoftPaint, Microsoft Movie Maker and a lexmark scanner. I finished it when 5am the morning it was due. No, I didn't procrastinate (much) I was working on this thing more than 4 hours a day! Keep in mind that Windows Movie Maker is the most irritable movie program ever, I had to start over at least 3 times during the week I made this (well, week in a half) .

This was the second animation I did for the class. This time, the actual assignment was to make an animated short, BUT it had to be a certain time limit long and had to be done in the art room. I used Windows movie maker again (AAAARGH!) and George & Pin-Head were animated with paper cut outs.

I made a few more animated shorts, but they are not as good as these are.

Z.Del Rio

Posted by ZRDR - February 21st, 2011

Yeah, My last post was WAAAAAY too depressing. THat WIll never happen again, But on to annother topic, what is the correct spelling of 'newgrounds' ? is it 'newgrounds'? or 'new grounds' with a space?