I'm making my self a new rule about my webcomics, if it is not ready to be posted the day before, I will not be posting it until the following Friday. This may mean that some comics may be very late, but it will also means that the quality will be improved 110%. If you read this weeks comic, you may notice that it looks kinda fuzzy. That's because I was re-sizing an already re-re-re-re-sized comic so it would follow smackjeeves size rules (2000 X 1000 pixels).
I will also be posting it to Newgrounds, FunnyJunk and Deviantart. I was hesitant to post it on Newgrounds at first, not because I don't like Newgrouds, but because I was worried people were not utilizing the website I started. But, after I thought about it, I really don't care, if people are reading the comics, who cares where they're reading them?
If a hobo finds one of my comics in a dumpser, uses it as a blanket and says "LoL, this is a funny blanket!", I will feel just as validated as if a beautiful woman reads it on the internet.
If you want to read the latest George & Pin-Head, click that little link to the left and tell me what you think either on this news post or PM me through newgrounds.
now for something completely different.
Listen to this song and learn an important lesson.
See you next friday (if the comic get's done)