Yeah, gamegrumps animations have been done before, but I think it's a good exercise for animators to use voice tracks like this and interpret it through animation.
Yes, this is funny, but I think we're starting to get tired of seeing these.
Yeah, gamegrumps animations have been done before, but I think it's a good exercise for animators to use voice tracks like this and interpret it through animation.
Yes, this is funny, but I think we're starting to get tired of seeing these.
Eh, it's alright for a first flash, but I think you also need to learn how to compile a good joke, as well.
I was trying to have fun making this ... maybe when I do the sound version I'll give you a buzz so that way you'll understand what I was trying to do !!!
I'm confused and slightly terrified.
Now that's what I like to hear
Very well written and animated.
I could see the joke coming a mile away, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I try to hold back with 5 star ratings, but when something like this comes up, I can't help it.
Fill my black hole is, easily, my favorite song that Captain Drake sings.
These little music videos make Space Adventure Legend Quest more entertaining and fun, almost like the little music videos that were shown at the end of chalk Zone (only a bit better and relevant to the plot).
Fantastic work, Chris. Please keep up the good work.
Harry partridge cartoons are most likely the best on newgrounds, when it comes to art, writing and animation.
I try to hold back when giving 5 star ratings, but I honestly cannot find any fault here. Not that I'm trying to suck up, but from both an objective and subjective standpoint, there is nothing that I can say needs to be improved.
People like you and Chris Voigt are doing this site a favor by contributing.
I have no idea why you don't have the top spot and Egoraptor still does.
It's nice to see that you still care about your newgrounds audience, by not only posting audio, but showing us your films as well.
While this has been seen on another site, I think it's awesome to see it again on a superior video player.
It's the tale of a Melon with rage, who uses his rage for justice.
Hopefully, we will one day see a series starring this amazing fruit.
i would have liked to post it in flash form but alas flash kept crashing when i tried.
I could go on and on abou the great animation and how good the caracature of George is, but where this cartoon really shines is the beautiful writing.
Honestly, I wish George's rant was up on the audio portal for all to hear.
Bravo, dude.
Not bad, acutally, this cartoon is fantastic. I absolutely love the the voice acting, animation, the jokes, but one thing bothers me- the subject.
I don't care you guys are bronies or not, in fact, I couldn't care less - and that's my problem with this cartoon.
The subject is really getting old. There isn't any more new ground for this topic.
You can see what's coming in these cartoons before they even happen.
Really, this subject is so tired, we should really move on, now.
I wanna gyro.
Age 33, Male
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Joined on 9/23/10