Man, I must have really pissed off some sort of internet deity or something. I was goofing around on this thread, people were starting to argue on the welcome thread for Newgrounds, so I though it would be funny to act like we were all a dysfunctional family arguing at a dinner table. I got a message saying I was banned for six days.
"Reason for ban: Multiposting and flagrant attempts at thread derailment are bad. "
I guess we all have different definitions of fun, h-uh?
Not only that, but I'm still banned on facebook because someone in a group I'm in got mad and reported all the users, I can't even send messages for Seven days.
I'm not really that upset, not anymore. I just think it's kinda funny, really. I can also still post on the art and flash portal, so, I'm good.
I kinda wished the mod would, at least, message me or something. This will probably hurt my chances of finally deleting my old account. I just want ti gone because I don't want newgrounds paying to keep it up when I'm not using it.
oh well. I need to stop spenidng so much time online, anyway. I got stuff to do.
Here's one of my favorite Joel stories.