I have no idea what's wrong with me, as of late. I can't keep my room organized or stay on any creative task. I can't even focus on a video game, lately.
All I want to do is watch movies.
Or T.V.
Old cartoons and movies, mostly. I can't seem to get up the inspiration to do anything. Well, not really inspiration, I'm inspired but I just don't have the motivation to do anything.
I've ruled out depression, it's not a sadness, it's more of a laziness. I have several art and comic projects which stay unfinished. Heck, I can't even make stupid little animations. I just need to get off my duff and do something, I guess. Something that requires me to actually participate.
I did do this quick drawing for CresIsis. It's ... pretty good I guess. I rushed it.
Maybe I'm going too slow?
I should make my self hurry?
Maybe I should GO FAST??
sorry, bad pun.
Anyhoo, if you want me to do something like this, PM me. I'll give it a shot.